Tuesday, May 03, 2005

50 days left....

....or 7 weeks plus a day.


dantheheel said...

oh no! What will become of the blog? Maybe we can get KINGSPAWN to keep it tidy while you are away.

Chris Bernal said...


Chris Bernal said...

Maybe I'll be a proxy webmaster. I'll get someone to post my emails or letters or something.

But do you what's my biggest worry? I'm going to be a sports MORON when I get back. It's going to be like starting all over again....

Anonymous said...

??biggest worry...BIGGEST WORRY??

dantheheel said...

you should...the blog cannot die.

and nah man...taking a break helps us keep perspective.

the sad thing is...it's always possible to "know." Not like we're used to, but still, the knowledge can be come upon.

dantheheel said...

27 seconds I hate you by

Chris Bernal said...

Well biggest worry in the sense of all that is temporal. Of course I don't mean the given stuff like being away from family, friends, and the like.

No way I'd ever put sports in the same realm as religion, family, or friends.

Don't let that mislead you though, sports are a big part of my life and a large part of who I am.

Chris Bernal said...

My mind will be on the work (which will be magnified in the fact that I will be learning and speaking full Spanish), but I still will keep a finger on the pulse of the sports world (but only via email/letters from friends, and only will I have the opportunity to read those once per week).

Anonymous said...

dont think for a sec that i will take over

Chris Bernal said...

That would be like MJ passing the torch to Luc Longley back in '98.