Monday, February 28, 2005

QOTD (28 Feb)

"They're coming out of hibernation Bernal - and it's a beautiful thing." --Dane(r) Swenson on the joys of Spring.

Friday, February 25, 2005

QOTD (25 Feb)

"So tell me, what do you know about that Asian guy?" -- Dave from "Dave's Auto Body" in Kanab, UT (a VERY small town) asking my mom about my roommate during a telephone conversation about what to do with my truck.

Thursday, February 24, 2005

QOTD (24 Feb)

"Man, I'm tellin' you right now - I'm going to class (tomorrow), but I might not bring my A game...(and) you can post that on your website...I realized that's a great quote." -- Brandon "Prince" Berguin.

Yep, these are my friends....

Wednesday, February 23, 2005


This one comes from Bill Simmons (The Sports Guy) via Chris "Birdman" Anderson (former Nugget turned Hornet) in his article on the NBA All-Star Weekend:

"'It's time for the Birdman to fly.' -- Chris Andersen before missing 47 straight dunks in the 2005 Slam Dunk Contest."

I hate him now

Well, first he provided the soundbite of the year for the NFL, and now he's officially on my hated list. I was never a big fan anyway, but just the thought of Moss in Silver & Black is enough to push me over the edge. I already can't wait for Champ Bailey light him up as he's coming across the middle next fall....

Tuesday, February 22, 2005

QOTD (Quote of the Day)

This is in honor of a little thing my friend Neil Okey used to do during high school. Here's the one for 23 Feb 2005:

"I don't know Jose. I was better than Jose then, and I've been better than him his whole career. If he wants to go make money, go ahead. ... For somebody who brags about what he did, I don't see any of your records." -- Barry Bonds, on former MLB'er Jose Canseco and his allegations from his new book.

Monday, February 21, 2005

Where am I going?

I need some guesses as to where I'm going to go on my mission (I should get my call the third week of March). Either guess which state in the U.S. or the country. Either leave me a comment or email me at and let me know.

You know you hit hard when your foot BRAKES the accelerator pedal.... Posted by Hello

How blessed were we? ALWAYS WEAR YOUR SEATBELTS!!!! Posted by Hello

The product of rolling twice. Posted by Hello

Yep, my roommate and I made it through THAT on 21 Feb 2005. Posted by Hello

Thursday, February 17, 2005

"I'd rather be golfing."

Actual quote (not surprising) from my Microeconomics teacher. This is obvious when, after five full weeks of class, we just had our first test which covered ZERO - yes ZERO - new material from Macroeconomics. To top it off, Dr. Boyes didn't feel like making two tests, and thus our "sample test" online turned out to be the real thing. I'm not sure if I should be happy about this or scared to death for accounting....

Wednesday, February 16, 2005

And so it begins....

What's up all - this site was introduced to me by one Claire Findlay. The goal is to make it into something that is a cross of what's going on with me and a forum for me to still pass along my thoughts and views on life, sports, politics (I hate LIBERALS) and anything else I see fit to my friends scattered around the best country in the entire world. Feel free to contact me for any suggestions and/or comments.