Saturday, March 19, 2005

QOTD (19 Mar)

We have two today, but related and from the same place, just in different places of the column.

"After Gus Johnson rattles off Julius Hodge's career records at NC State, House beats me to the, 'Well, you're gonna have those stats when you're in college for eight years' joke. Didn't Hodge room with Lorenzo Charles and Sydney Lowe as a freshman?"

"As Gus Johnson rattles off Hodge's stats (19 points, 8 assists, 7 rebounds), House adds, 'Yeah, but what about his receding hairline?'"

--Bill Simmons, from his "Running NCAA tournament diary" from This makes the cut only because these are things I've said for some time, and I JUST TALKED ABOUT BOTH to E.Dubb last night on the phone and now - viola - it makes it into The Sports Guy's column. How am I NOT destined to do something with sports....?

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