Thursday, April 28, 2005

Long Overdue

The title of this post speaks volumes for me, I don't really know how else to say it, but it's true. I've noticed that not having your own computer really inhibits the availabilty (and motivation) for blogging. Back in the good old days (pre-computer-crashing), I would get a thought, hop on the laptop, and post it right up. Now it actually takes effort, as I have to get up and walk all the way over to the lab my dorm has.

Needless to say, that is why the post frequency has decreased immensely.

Also, this blog is primarily sports-based, and what do I have to write about this time of year? The Nuggets snuck a W out of Game 1 (SA's shooting down the stretch couldn't have had anything to do with it, as evidenced by their 28 point demolition which was close for approximately zero seconds tonight). The best way I can describe it is this: I don't think the Nuggets will win. Now, I am a fan of them and will not stop cheering and hoping and getting excited if it looks like they have a chance, but I still say this team is about one piece away from really putting it all together. Maybe it's a shooter, maybe it's something else, but you just have to think the Nugs are about one player and one full George Karl season away from being an actual threat. Until then, I'll be subject to hoping for a miracle.

Sticking with my NBA theme, I'm kind of feeling conflicted here. I am in no way a Suns fan, and could really care less if they win or lose. But should I root for them because it's interesting being in a city where there is so much hype and hysteria (and because the Suns are fun to watch because they play about 30 seconds total of defense each game and shoot about 45 three's)? The hysteria is a double-edged sword: I like reading and seeing and feeling the pulse of the city, but the problem is that the city isn't Boston or Philly or some actual sports town, it's Phoenix. These are the fans notorious for being fair-weathered. They sold out SIX games last year at AWA: SIX. Now everyone loves the Suns - EVERYONE. I even know people who are cheering for the Suns AND the Heat (how does that even work?). So part of me wants to see the Suns, a "regional" team for me, do well just so some East coast team doesn't win (I have the bias, yes), but another part of me wants to see Phoenix get destroyed Indianapolis Colts style (I don't like seeing teams that break the basic championship-caliber rules ever succeed). That's another thing, it's not just the fans: teams that don't play D should never succeed in the long run. They should be awarded the "Peyton Manning Annual Regular Season Statistical Champs" award, which should consist of front-row tickets to the ACTUAL Super Bowl/Finals, along with obligatory trips to Mexico under the alias of Javier Lopez (Click Here if you don't know what I mean by this).

Here's another topic that encompasses the two most important things in my life (temporally, anyway): Girls and Sports. I was talking with E.Dubb today, and I have a dilemma. Growing up, I always thought it would be so cool to meet a girl that was in love with sports, a girl that knew a lot about it and would love to sit down and watch SportsCenter with me. In my mind, the more she knew, the better. But now I feel like I need to backtrack a little: perhaps about four or five steps actually. See, after actually MEETING a few girls that are crazy-good with sports, and getting to know their personality in ADDITION to the sports thing, I'm not sure if I should be in love or be running away plugging my ears and changing my phone number. I liken it to the age-old debate on whether some guys feel intimidated/uncomfortable when their girlfriend is smarter than them. It's gotten to the point now where it's almost like I want the girl's knowledge of sports to be equal to the education level an oppressive dictator desires from his subjects: enough to understand how to function, but not so much where she wants to rise up and overthrow me. Now, the whole oppressive thing might set off alarms of sexism here, but that's not what I'm getting at in any way. I would love it if she liked sports, enjoyed SportsCenter, and even knew stuff about sports (team cities and names are an absolute MUST, and names and basic facts are cool too). But once it gets to the point where she starts challenging things, telling YOU news from ESPN, almost knowing a little TOO much for her (and my) own good, that's when it gets scary.

See, I have a friend with a girlfriend that is the former one described (knowing enough to where she's cool), and just the other day we were watching TV and she made some awesome comments and just knew what was going on, but she never tries to correct us or make us look/feel stupid about sports. And it's almost refreshing if she ever rolls her eyes or makes a "are you still talking about that?" comment/face. I've known other girls that try to correct or get in way over their heads, even going so far as to challenge me unprovoked. This problem is made 1,000,000 times worse if the girl: a) has no clue what the heck she's talking about, or b) if her stat/opinion is blatantly wrong, being exact by both sexes is a must - mistakes are not taken well by me.

Well I'm not quite sure what prompted what will definitely be perceived as the most sexist post of all-time, but perhaps only the most stereotypical would be in order. I wouldn't mind being friends with and hanging out with the afmorementioned sports girl, but I would be scared/annoyed out of my mind if she were ever my girlfriend. Now, if you think I'm totally wrong and completely off-base, don't freak out on me. Instead, click the little "comments" box and tell me where I have erred and I will consider such advice and re-adjust my stance as necessary.

Now, I feel like this post will suffice for the next day or two, but I'll try to sneak back on when I get the chance/motivation and give some more from the world that is mine.


Anonymous said...

Thanks for the holla playa, and yes...girls that know a lot....well...their scary

pelegray said...

Your right, Pheonix fans are fair weathered. But its one of our five C's. Citrus, cattle, copper, cotton, CLIMATE! Thats why people move here. If it turned into alaska, my Grandpa and Grandma woould move there summer home some where else.

pelegray said...

Also, the Denver Nuggets. Your playing that line game where you say your hoping they win and am going to cheer for them, but say there going to lose. I understand your logic, but you just can't claim top dog in the end. There are no "I told you so's" when you cheer for victory and predict defeat. P.S. Go suns!! Been a fan ever year the've been good. All time two favorite teams rain or shine; Pacers and Rockets (Miller and Olajuwon) Your right TWO!

Anonymous said...

Prince Said...
Why dont you step up and explain your boy's opinion of Reggie Miller...what kind of homo journalist does he think he is???Ive always hated on Bill i hate him even more!!!!!

Chris Bernal said...

Chops, you absolutely baffle me. That is the only way I can describe it. I never said I wanted any "I told you so's," And my claiming top dog? What I'm claiming is that the Nugs are a year or two away, but that that fact won't deter me at all from hoping they'll pull off an upset. It's the same way that I KNOW the Rockies don't stand a chance for this year or years to come, but I still cheer for them for 162 games every year and hope as a fan. My hoping the Nugs'll win with my predicted loss is the separation of my fan side of things from the objective side of me (which is why if I were a better man I wouldn't bet on my favorite team). And you are the typical Suns fan (although I appreciate the honesty) that I was talking about: a fan when they're good, and even with the audacity to have other favorite teams (yes, teams as in plural). I just don't understand it.

Oh, and the two deleted comments were just the same as E.Dubb's first, I thought it would get rid of it completely and clean up the site a little. No worries, no censorship here.

dantheheel said...

gotta disagree...a girl that can handle her shit=major turn on

I mean, ANY sports knowledge you can get from a girl is a bonus (especially if it's spot on), and well I'm secure enough (and you should be too) that no chica is gonna SURPASS me in knowledge.

But if one did I would marvel in amazement, sort of like I do with the Schwab. I just hope she wouldn't be as much of a loser as the people who know more about sports than me (like the Schwab), cause as it is I think I'm cutting it pretty close -- and am probably on the wrong side at times ;-)

one more thing, classes over, party time (this would be a good example of my nerdiness, checking blogs before celebrating the end of the semester)

rack 'em.

Chris Bernal said...

See, I used to hold that opinion. I love it when girls know what's going on and can hold a conversation (or are even - gasp - interested or care) about sports, but I think the reason I'm re-evaluating is because of a few bad experiences lately of girls that think they know too much. Maybe that would be a good amendment to make - I wouldn't want a girl that THINKS she knows a lot about sports. I've yet to meet one that is just an absolute guru, but I've met a couple (good-looking ones too) that knew the basics (big plus) but really bit off a little more than their mouth could even hold (let alone begin to chew), and the result was a pathetic, sad, and incredibly annoying person. Imagine "that guy" and everything he is, and now add the fact that it isn't even a guy shooting his mouth off about frivolous sports claims/incorrect stats, but is actually just some girl doing it. Maybe when I meet someone who is competent enough to handle this responsibility I'll see the light.

NOTE: Your sis is pretty close and is well-versed in her UNC knowledge, so it's not like I don't have friends that know stuff. I guess the argument was directed more towards the girlfriend/wife type of thing.

Un mas cosa: Apoyos para el "rack 'em" grito hacia fuera (perdon mi espanol si no esta corecto, todavia estoy aprendiendo).

Chris Bernal said...

Oh yeah Chops, you're hilarious. Great use of the pun there.

(Did I mention the 5 S's of Coloradans? We're satirical, sarcastic, sardonic, spoofing, and we're the S***!!!!)

Anonymous said...

Chris...what the hell? Didnt u say the other nite u thought the Nugz would win the series over SA???? Yes..u did. You must have faith and quit trying to be so damn centrist!

Chris Bernal said...

Screw centrist. I'm all over the right baby. I said I had a feeling we'd win that yes, but I guess you don't get what I'm saying here. In NO WAY will I claim anything if Denver does win. On my objective sports nut side of things I just don't see the Nuggets getting it done. But on my Denver Nuggets fan side of things I want them to win sooooo badly and just had a feeling they might be able to do it. That's all I'm hoping for is a miracle - I'm just planning on reality setting in.

dantheheel said...

well in that case, just don't be sexist.

I hate ANYONE who thinks they know something, but, yes, it is egregiously annoying with regards to sports knowledge. And it probably hurts more if for some reason a romantic element is involved.

Chris Bernal said...

Yeah, that's why I was a bit hesitant writing it. It's kind of hard to explain how I feel about it, because honestly the last thing I mean to do is come across that way.

But still, for some reason it's just something that just perturbs me a little bit, and was definitely something I needed to be vociferous about. So you're right, it's not just a girl thing, anyone that (erroneously)thinks they have knowledge about something just drives me INSANE. And as proof it can go both ways, I went to the Nuggets-Suns game last week, and the husband was a loose cannon with his mouth and was saying some of the DUMBEST stuff ever, while his WIFE was all about the stats (she even dropped a few like, "Wow, he's already over his season scoring average tonight"). If only she were 30 years younger and looked a little (okay, a lot) different....

dantheheel said...

well my little obsession with Mrs. M.I.L.F. has opened my eyes up to the world of older women, so don't count her out ;-)

and I envy your fanbase. They actually comment.

Chris Bernal said...

I'm all about the fans.

Anonymous said...

Im all about the kids...thats who i do it for!

pelegray said...

Didnt u say the other nite u thought the Nugz would win the series over SA???? See and then you hop back and forth with, that was my fan side, this is my rational side. And your love of cheering for the Rockies, you might as well be a Cubs fan too. Rational fans cheer for goods teams, irrational fans hope and pray, but don't use your "objective side." So are you a fan, or an objectional veiwer. I think playing both sides of the coin is worse then choosing a couple of teams you like. Besides you cheer for teams, which is a colection of player, and players change so sticking with CO teams just doesn't make since. If it is state pride your after your mistaken, their privatly owned, most likely by people outside of CO.

Anonymous said...

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